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Most catches for Hartfield Ladies

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Matches Catches
1 Denise Goldsmith 79 29
2 Lyndsey Barker 44 21
= Donna Stapley 61 21
4 Rachel Alderman 27 19
5 Sue Maynard 73 17
6 Paula Gatward 37 12
7 Andrea Johnson 28 11
= Barbara Smith 43 11
9 Karen Jones 16 10
10 Sammy Goldsmith 45 8
= Claire Hayward 49 8
12 Kim Williams 14 7
= Jessica Goldsmith 25 7
14 Jane Mason 15 6
= Laura Morris 26 6
16 Melanie Pearce 8 5
= Jane French 12 5
= Hilary Clough 19 5
19 Megan Denman 6 4
= Maddie Maynard 19 4
21 Katie Daw 11 3
= Bryony Morris 14 3
= Sam Lunnis 16 3
= Natalie Bews 20 3
= Sally Batley 22 3
26 Wendy Saunders 9 2
= Claire Exall 15 2
28 Lorna Warboys 1 1
= Sarah 2 1
= Abi 2 1
= Celia Field 3 1
= Meryl Walter 3 1
= Kaye Storer 3 1
= Kiara Lewis 5 1
= Georgie Dolding 10 1
= Caroline Potter 19 1