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Most wickets at Warren Ground (cricket field), East Preston

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
1 Claire Hawkins
East Preston
105 101 224
2 Rachel Chenery
East Preston
86 75 87
3 Lucy Uncles
East Preston
50 41 78
4 Joanne Green
East Preston
97 70 74
5 Lauren Bateman
East Preston
85 60 57
6 Karen Lock
East Preston
80 47 47
7 Charlotte Adfield
East Preston
70 37 31
8 Tina Martin
Aldingbourne Ladies
9 9 25
9 Karina Collier
Aldingbourne Ladies
6 6 24
10 Becky Green
East Preston
72 19 23
11 Karina Collier
9 7 20
12 Steph Green
East Preston
14 11 19
13 Georgie Moon
9 8 16
14 Heather Cresswell
5 4 14
15 Pat Wyatt
Aldingbourne Ladies
5 4 13
= Hannah Stemp
6 6 13
17 Sue Boxall
6 5 11
= Jacqui Bowles
Middleton Ladies
9 7 11
19 Jenny Garner
3 3 9
= Sophia Debae
Aldingbourne Ladies
6 3 9
= Sandy Turner
6 6 9
= Becky Foot
Middleton Ladies
8 7 9
= Katie Neil-Smith
East Preston
83 29 9
24 Clare Lincoln
3 3 8
= Paula Baker
Broadbridge Heath
4 4 8
= Amy Lidbetter
Broadbridge Heath
5 5 8
= Sandra Turner
5 5 8
= Caitlin Flower
Steyning and District
6 5 8
= Leah Head
Broadbridge Heath
7 5 8
= Jessica Challen
8 5 8
= Catherine Caparo
7 6 8
= Emily Marchant
East Preston
14 11 8
= Kathi Lock
East Preston
56 18 8
34 Caroline Bell
Broadbridge Heath
4 3 7
= Shirley Cross
8 5 7
= Pat Mann
11 5 7
= Emma Haley
Broadbridge Heath
8 7 7
= Wenda Williamson
East Preston
103 7 7
39 S Howell
2 2 6
= Chantelle Kay
2 2 6
= Izzy Tudgay
3 3 6
= Danielle Flower
Steyning and District
6 3 6
= Bernie Hurst
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
9 7 6
44 Georgie Heberlein
2 2 5
= Levinia Tudgay
2 2 5
= Lissie Hurst
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
3 3 5
= Helen Moores
Steyning and District
3 3 5
= Shirley Cross
7 5 5
= Jennifer Langmead
9 5 5
50 K Northam
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
1 1 4

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