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Most wickets at Hartfield Croft, Hartfield

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
1 Donna Stapley
Hartfield Ladies
31 29 38
2 Sue Maynard
Hartfield Ladies
37 32 17
3 Sammy Goldsmith
Hartfield Ladies
24 20 15
4 Calum Maynard
Hartfield Mixed
14 14 14
5 Rachel Alderman
Hartfield Ladies
10 10 13
6 Sean Power
Hartfield Mixed
12 12 11
= Lyndsey Barker
Hartfield Ladies
24 15 11
8 Jess Goldsmith
Hartfield Mixed
14 14 10
9 Amanda Scott
Nutley Ladies
2 2 7
= Rick Mason
Maresfield Mixed
3 2 7
= Sarah Hanham
Fletching Ladies
3 3 7
= Chantelle Bennett
Maresfield Ladies
6 6 7
= Jane Mason
Hartfield Ladies
8 8 7
= Hilary Clough
Hartfield Mixed
8 8 7
15 Matthew Watts
Hildenborough Mixed
2 1 6
= Fiona Bishop
Newick Ladies
3 3 6
= Amy Dix
Newick Ladies
4 3 6
= Georgie Harrison
Causeway Mixed
4 4 6
= Jessica Goldsmith
Hartfield Ladies
10 6 6
= Sue Hunt
Maresfield Ladies
7 7 6
= Sammy Goldsmith
Hartfield Mixed
10 10 6
= Claire Hayward
Hartfield Ladies
20 16 6
23 Sue Cable
United Friends
1 1 5
= Liz
Hartfield Ladies
2 2 5
= Michele Hardstone
Nutley Ladies
2 2 5
= Bryony
Hartfield Mixed
3 3 5
= Heather Ridley
Nutley Ladies
3 3 5
= Jane French
Hartfield Ladies
6 5 5
= Claire Exall
Hartfield Ladies
8 7 5
= Caroline Potter
Hartfield Ladies
10 9 5
= Hilary Clough
Hartfield Ladies
11 11 5
= Denise Goldsmith
Hartfield Ladies and Hartfield Mixed
50 18 5
33 Jane
Punnetts Town
1 1 4
= Steph Locke
Punnetts Town
1 1 4
= Chantelle Williams
Maresfield Mixed
2 2 4
= Jackie Webber
Newick Ladies
2 2 4
= Rob Such
Hartfield Mixed
2 2 4
= Ashleigh Hobbs
Nutley Ladies
3 3 4
= Sara Hobden
Maresfield Ladies
10 7 4
40 Simone Ackers
1 1 3
= Ginnie E
East Grinstead Ladies
1 1 3
= Alice
1 1 3
= Donna Weller
Fletching Ladies
1 1 3
= Sophie Order
Causeway Mixed
1 1 3
= Barry Haffenden
Maresfield Mixed
1 1 3
= Millie Burgess
Fletching Ladies
1 1 3
= Georgie Rayland
Causeway Mixed
1 1 3
= Dani Brown
Newick Ladies
1 1 3
= Sarah Chatten
Sevenoaks Weald and Weald Ladies
2 2 3
= Carolyn Brockman
Causeway Mixed
2 2 3

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