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Most wickets at Hartfield Croft, Hartfield

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
51 Carolyn Brockman
Causeway Mixed
2 2 3
= Lyndsey Barker
Hartfield Mixed
2 2 3
= Becky French
Penshurst Mixed
2 2 3
= Jenny Dancy
Hartfield Ladies
3 2 3
= Stuart Chappell
Maresfield Mixed
3 2 3
= Lesley Skibinska
Maresfield Ladies
8 2 3
= Chris
Hartfield Mixed
3 3 3
= Lucy Smith
Nutley Ladies
3 3 3
= Freya Wheatley
Punnetts Town
3 3 3
= Carol Browne
Nutley Ladies
3 3 3
= Sam Richardson
Causeway Mixed
4 3 3
= Donna Cottingham
Newick Ladies
5 3 3
= Annabel Kent
Maresfield Ladies
5 4 3
= Sue Maynard
Hartfield Mixed
7 7 3
= Mark Goldsmith
Hartfield Mixed
11 9 3
66 Katie
Fletching Ladies
1 1 2
= Joan
1 1 2
= Laura
East Grinstead Ladies
1 1 2
= Amanda Scott
Fletching Ladies
1 1 2
= Mollie Bates
Newick Ladies
1 1 2
= Becky
Fletching Ladies
1 1 2
= Catherine
1 1 2
= Sara
Hartfield Mixed
1 1 2
= Neil
Hartfield Mixed
1 1 2
= Shirley
1 1 2
= Eloise Saunders
Fletching Ladies
1 1 2
= Emma Allen
United Friends
1 1 2
= Anne Hardwick
Penshurst Ladies
1 1 2
= Fiona Watkins
Hildenborough Mixed
1 1 2
= Tracey Kimber
Maresfield Mixed
2 1 2
= Georgie Dolding
Hartfield Ladies
2 1 2
= Gill Hemsley
Newick Ladies
5 1 2
= Tim
Sevenoaks Weald
2 2 2
= John
Hartfield Mixed
2 2 2
= Alfie Hall
Penshurst Mixed
2 2 2
= Melanie Pearce
Hartfield Mixed
2 2 2
= Claire Exall
Hartfield Mixed
2 2 2
= Ashleigh Wells
Nutley Ladies
4 2 2
= Jonny Gill
Penshurst Mixed
3 3 2
= Stella Collins
Hildenborough Mixed
3 3 2
= Sam Lunnis
Hartfield Ladies
6 4 2
= Daly Hayward
Hartfield Mixed
6 4 2
= Maddie Maynard
Hartfield Mixed
7 7 2
= Tracy Allen
Maresfield Ladies
9 7 2
= Barbara Smith
Hartfield Ladies
18 12 2
96 Jane
Hartfield Mixed
1 1 1
= Theresa Bate
Uckfield RFC Ladies
1 1 1
= Tracey
Hartfield Ladies
1 1 1
= Bex Kift
Causeway Mixed
1 1 1
= Pete
Hartfield Mixed
1 1 1

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