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Most wickets at Hayesbrook School, Tonbridge

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
1 Georgie Harrison
Causeway Ladies
4 4 5
2 Aimee Order
Fordcombe Ladies
2 2 3
3 Tracy Stanley
Causeway Ladies
2 2 2
= Meg James
Causeway Ladies
2 2 2
5 Danielle Holland
Causeway Ladies
1 1 1
= Kate Burns
Hildenborough Ladies
1 1 1
= Michelle Chapman
Causeway Ladies
1 1 1
= Helen Saunders
Hildenborough Ladies
1 1 1
= Alice Cheeseman
Hildenborough Ladies
1 1 1
= Lucy Watts
Hildenborough Ladies
2 2 1
= Stella Collins
Hildenborough Ladies
2 2 1
= Sophie Order
Fordcombe Ladies
2 2 1
= Madison Smith
Fordcombe Ladies
2 2 1
= Sarah Ottway
Causeway Ladies
3 3 1
= Debbie James
Causeway Ladies
3 3 1
= Sarah Watts
Causeway Ladies
4 3 1
= Carolyn Brockman
Causeway Ladies
4 4 1