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Most wickets for Holmbury St Mary

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Matches Innings Wickets
1 Ali 91 91 135
2 Sara 76 72 85
3 Aimee 65 61 78
4 Niki 65 65 74
5 Fiona 31 29 34
6 Sara Jones 23 21 32
7 Char 35 18 23
8 Tamzen 12 11 14
9 Kirsty 11 10 6
= Hannah 48 13 6
11 Alison 3 3 4
= Suellen 53 7 4
13 Jo Haynes 18 3 3
= Nikki 6 5 3
15 Lily-Kay 5 1 2
= Jo 40 1 2
= Nicky 4 2 2
18 Claire 21 5 1