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Most scores of 50 or more runs at Holmbury St Mary Cricket Club, Dorking

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Scores of 50+
1 Jo
Holmbury St Mary
19 17 6
2 Sara
Holmbury St Mary
36 28 5
3 Suellen
Holmbury St Mary
25 23 4
4 Megan
Holmbury St Mary
28 27 3
= Fiona
Holmbury St Mary
15 15 3
6 Jo Haynes
Holmbury St Mary
8 7 2
= Lisa Fairbrother
Holmbury St Mary
18 18 2
= Karen Dunn
North Holmwood
5 5 2
= Jill
5 5 2
10 Connie
1 1 1
= Hannah
Holmbury St Mary
24 24 1
= Sue
1 1 1
= Laura
Holmbury St Mary
10 10 1
= Jo Streeter
South Park Ladies
1 1 1
= Sara Jones
Holmbury St Mary
10 9 1
= Lesley
3 3 1
= Dionne Harris
South Park Ladies
1 1 1
= Kerry
4 4 1
= Mo
Alfold Ladies
2 2 1
= Cliffe
Strood Green Ladies
2 2 1
= Emma
2 2 1
= Sue Ellen
Holmbury St Mary
2 2 1
= Mandy McGachie
3 3 1
= Sophie Dunn
1 1 1
= Fiona Kilfeather
North Holmwood
4 4 1
= Dionne
South Park Ladies
1 1 1
= Denise Bargman
Alfold Ladies
6 6 1
= Kim
Oakwood Hill
4 4 1
= Clare Brown
Oakwood Hill
2 1 1