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Most catches in the Coastal League, 2013 season

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Catches
1 Ginny Ifould
Aldingbourne Ladies
9 12
2 Wenda Williamson
East Preston
9 9
3 Jessica Collier
5 8
= V Spreezy
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
7 8
= Vanessa Challen
9 8
= A Hurst
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
11 8
7 B Hardie
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
9 7
= B Hurst
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
11 7
9 J Grimm
Goring Ladies
5 6
10 Lucy Uncles
East Preston
3 5
= Natasha Reekie
Goring Ladies
6 5
= Michelle Ifould
Aldingbourne Ladies
6 5
= Jessica Challen
7 5
= Becky Green
East Preston
8 5
= Tina Martin
Aldingbourne Ladies
9 5
= Claire Hawkins
East Preston
9 5
= T Lennard
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
10 5
18 T Purkis
Middleton Ladies
2 4
= Debbie Francis
7 4
= Pat Mann
7 4
= Shirley Cross
7 4
= Sarah Harnett
Aldingbourne Ladies
8 4
= Jenny Garner
8 4
= Julie Tester
10 4
25 L Smith
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
1 3
= W Anderson
Middleton Ladies
2 3
= Amanda Irwin
5 3
= Sarah Daymond
Middleton Ladies
6 3
= C Gunn
Goring Ladies
7 3
= J Lucking
Goring Ladies
7 3
= K Northam
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
7 3
= Emma Wilde
Middleton Ladies
8 3
= Jacqui Bowles
Middleton Ladies
8 3
= Karen Lock
East Preston
8 3
= Lisa Jaycocks
Middleton Ladies
8 3
= Karina Collier
9 3
= Joanne Green
East Preston
9 3
= Hannah Tomlinson
10 3
39 L Hayward
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
1 2
= Katie Froome
1 2
= G Taylor
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
2 2
= Emma Robinson
2 2
= Heather Wadey
Aldingbourne Ladies
2 2
= Trudy Purkis
Middleton Ladies
4 2
= Clare McKnight
Aldingbourne Ladies
5 2
= Lauren Wooldridge
East Preston
5 2
= Rebecca Streeter
6 2
= Karen Grey
Goring Ladies
6 2
= Becky Foot
Middleton Ladies
6 2
= Bethany Gardner
6 2

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