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Most catches for Stedham

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Matches Catches
1 Aimee Holloway 30 25
2 Jodie Largan 22 18
3 Clair Harrison 26 17
4 Pippa Croxford 26 16
5 Ellen Hyde 22 12
6 Michelle Nutting 28 11
7 Hannah Snowden 14 8
8 Kelly O'Leary 8 6
= Mog Fordham 10 6
= Kirsty Clarke 15 6
11 Emma Baigent 19 4
12 Mog 2 3
= Stacey 3 3
= Lauren Preston 3 3
15 Kirsty 3 2
= Julie Carter 6 2
= Abbie Nutting 10 2
18 June 1 1
= Kelly O'Leary 1 1
= Jazz 1 1
= Sue 2 1
= Gemma 2 1
= Claire 2 1
= Liz 2 1
= Michelle 3 1
= Maria Stride 4 1
= Jasmin Lucy 6 1
= Carly Lane 8 1