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Most catches for Partridge Green

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Matches Catches
1 Karen 30 26
2 Heidi 12 10
= Kirsty 19 10
= Karen Taylor 29 10
5 Susanna 7 9
6 Teresa 18 8
= Anne 21 8
= Sue 21 8
9 Katie Edmonds 17 6
= Sarah 17 6
11 Jackie Ansell 5 4
= Charlotte 6 4
= Katie Potter 12 4
= Katie 24 4
15 Susanna Engelman 3 3
= Ann 5 3
= Joan 7 3
= Nicky 11 3
= Tracey 12 3
= Jackie 14 3
= Tracey Brockbank 20 3
= Catherine 21 3
23 K Taylor 1 2
= Hannah 4 2
= Sam Harris 4 2
= S.Edwards 5 2
= Tracy 7 2
= Anne West 8 2
= Eleanor Spalding 9 2
= Ellie 10 2
= Kirsty Plummer 12 2
32 J Davis 1 1
= Sue Engleman 1 1
= Kerry Ambridge 2 1
= Sam 2 1
= Helen 2 1
= L.Harris 2 1
= Jenna 3 1
= Sarah Howells 4 1
= Catherine Edmonds 5 1
= Zoe 10 1
= Sue.Edwards 12 1