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Most wickets in the East Sussex Mixed Friendlies, 2020 season

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
1 Ben M
Icklesham Mixed
8 8 13
2 Tristan
Icklesham Mixed
8 7 6
3 Tracey
Icklesham Mixed
5 5 5
4 Tamsin
Icklesham Mixed
3 3 4
= Toby
Icklesham Mixed
4 4 4
= Josh
Icklesham Mixed
7 6 4
= Karen
Icklesham Mixed
7 7 4
= Jake
Icklesham Mixed
8 8 4
9 Neil Be
Civil Service
2 2 3
= Ryan
Civil Service
2 2 3
= Hans
Pett Mixed
4 4 3
= Hannah
Icklesham Mixed
7 7 3
13 John
Hooe Mixed
1 1 2
= Mia
Hooe Mixed
2 2 2
= Becky
Pett Mixed
2 2 2
= Erin
Pett Mixed
2 2 2
= Ollie
Pett Mixed
3 3 2
= Lisa
Pett Mixed
3 3 2
= Cole
Pett Mixed
4 4 2
= Heidi
Icklesham Mixed
7 6 2
21 Darryl
Icklesham Mixed
1 1 1
= Jonathen
Hooe Mixed
1 1 1
= Steve
Pett Mixed
1 1 1
= Donna
Icklesham Mixed
1 1 1
= Stuart
Civil Service
2 1 1
= Pippa
Civil Service
2 2 1
= Rich
Pett Mixed
2 2 1
= Mildred
Icklesham Mixed
2 2 1
= Nathan
Pett Mixed
2 2 1
= Paul
Civil Service
2 2 1
= Holly
Hooe Mixed
2 2 1
= Zoe
Civil Service
2 2 1
= Sophie
Pett Mixed
2 2 1
= Dave (d)
Civil Service
2 2 1
= Anya
Pett Mixed
3 3 1
= Owen
Pett Mixed
3 3 1
= Ryan
Pett Mixed
4 4 1
= George
Icklesham Mixed
5 5 1
= Matt
Icklesham Mixed
7 5 1