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Best batting average for Goring Stoolball Club

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

Players must have batted at least 5 times to appear in this list.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Average
1 Karen Keen
Goring Ladies
9 9 83.33
2 Rachel Bennett
Goring Ladies
10 10 20.75
3 Emma Wadman
Goring Ladies
17 17 14.31
4 Karen Grey
Goring Ladies
38 38 14.27
5 Zoe Treeton
Goring Ladies
9 9 10.75
6 Donna Willard
Goring Ladies
30 30 10.52
7 Leanne Miles
Goring Ladies
6 6 10.40
8 Leanne Decourcy
Goring Ladies
22 19 10.19
9 Justine Sayer
Goring Ladies
8 8 9.71
10 Tiger Lyons
Goring Ladies
11 9 8.80
11 Alex Coombes
Goring Ladies
12 9 8.00
= C Gunn
Goring Ladies
7 5 8.00
13 Vic Sudds
Goring Ladies
11 9 7.50
14 L de Courcy
Goring Ladies
8 8 7.25
= Mel Hardy
Goring Ladies
11 6 7.25
16 Gemma Hill
Goring Ladies
22 20 7.06
17 Emily Marchant
Goring Ladies
13 13 6.92
18 Zoe Beverton
Goring Ladies
14 14 6.67
19 Hannah Johnson
Goring Ladies
6 5 6.50
20 Caroline Thomas
Goring Ladies
32 25 6.48
21 Lizzie Miles
Goring Ladies
13 12 6.22
22 Kara Hole
Goring Ladies
5 5 6.00
23 Natasha Reekie
Goring Ladies
6 6 5.00
24 M Hole
Goring Ladies
7 7 4.83
25 Cindy Gunn
Goring Ladies
12 12 4.55
26 Jo Lucking
Goring Ladies
9 8 4.00
27 Anita Patson
Goring Ladies
8 7 3.86
28 Kathy Ledger
Goring Ladies
8 5 3.75
29 Michelle Hole
Goring Ladies
9 8 3.38
30 Anita Patton
Goring Ladies
8 8 2.12
31 J Lucking
Goring Ladies
7 6 2.00