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Most wickets

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
3751 B Wilson
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
4 1 1
= Alison Ayling
Arundel Stoolball Club
4 1 1
= Jade
4 1 1
= Carol
4 1 1
= A Henley
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
4 1 1
= Jon Castell
Maresfield Mixed
5 1 1
= Chloe Allsobrook
Barcombe Ladies
5 1 1
= Emily
Partridge Green Juniors
5 1 1
= Lily
Horsted Keynes
5 1 1
= Christy
Oakwood Hill
5 1 1
= S Mcdonald
Steyning and District
5 1 1
= Molly Raynor
Aldingbourne Ladies
5 1 1
= Rosemary Dabinett
Arundel Stoolball Club
5 1 1
= Colleen
Strood Green Ladies
5 1 1
= Hayley Zingaurd
Nutley Ladies
5 1 1
= Mandy
United Friends
5 1 1
= Kara Hole
Goring Ladies
5 1 1
= Brooke Freeman
5 1 1
= Emma
Forest Green
5 1 1
= Sarah Green
Buxted Park
5 1 1
= Maxine
5 1 1
= Lauren Thompson
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
5 1 1
= Debbie
Nutley Mixed
5 1 1
= Johnny H
Hartfield Mixed
5 1 1
= Jonathan Brent
5 1 1
= Suzie Flower
5 1 1
= Elizabeth Rose
Laughton Ladies
5 1 1
= Lorraine Everett
5 1 1
= Kirsten Flower
Steyning and District
5 1 1
= Jess
Balcombe Juniors
6 1 1
= Michelle
6 1 1
= Jade
Nutley Ladies
6 1 1
= Leanne Miles
Goring Ladies
6 1 1
= S. Ball
Barns Green
6 1 1
= H Herbert
6 1 1
= Helen Rance
Leigh Ladies
6 1 1
= Harriet Beardsley
Aldingbourne Ladies
6 1 1
= Anna
Partridge Green Juniors
6 1 1
= Milli Sales
Leigh Ladies
6 1 1
= Sam
Newick Mixed
6 1 1
= Jane Parsons
Steyning and District
6 1 1
= Becky
Nutley Mixed
6 1 1
= Kasey Meaden
Lindfield Juniors
7 1 1
= Dan Brooks
Lewes Arms
7 1 1
= Joan
Partridge Green
7 1 1
= F Thompson
7 1 1
= Hannah Briggs
Barns Green
7 1 1
= Zoe Williams
Eastergate Ladies
7 1 1
= Malcolm Harris
DEUTWAG Chargers
7 1 1
= Martha
Glynde Butterflies
7 1 1

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