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Most wickets

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
3451 Grant
1 1 1
= Lydia
Tip & Mix
1 1 1
= Shirley Davies
Lamb Old Town
1 1 1
= Huw Jones
Elephant and Castle
1 1 1
= Kiirsty
Beare Green
1 1 1
= Jack
Penshurst Mixed
1 1 1
= Katy
Catsfield Ladies
1 1 1
= Luke
Lewes Arms
1 1 1
= Russell
Catsfield Mixed
1 1 1
= Riki
Brightling Mixed
1 1 1
= Andrew
Icklesham Mixed
1 1 1
= Zoe
Penshurst Mixed
1 1 1
= Alastir
New School Ninjas
1 1 1
= Sarah J
1 1 1
= Erin Mansfield
Langton Green
1 1 1
= Sue
1 1 1
= Sarah
1 1 1
= Lynne
Leigh Ladies
1 1 1
= Charlotte Oben
Langton Green
1 1 1
= Sophie
Icklesham Mixed
1 1 1
= Sally Skitton
Pevensey Rookies
1 1 1
= Lynne F
1 1 1
= Livvy
Hartfield Ladies
1 1 1
= Ben Hall
1 1 1
= Kat
Ninfield Mixed
1 1 1
= Jacqui
Pett Ladies
1 1 1
= Lissie Hurst
Middleton Ladies
1 1 1
= Cath
Sevenoaks Weald
1 1 1
= Andy Albon
1 1 1
= Mick
Icklesham Mixed
1 1 1
= Tom
Oxshott B
1 1 1
= Heather
Maresfield Mixed
1 1 1
= Josie
Horsted Keynes
1 1 1
= Alex
Crowhurst Mixed
1 1 1
= Catherine
Oxshott B
1 1 1
= ?
Nutley Mixed
1 1 1
= Daniel
Ninfield Mixed
1 1 1
= Suzy Kirk
1 1 1
= Tom
1 1 1
= Osaka
The Plums
1 1 1
= Lauren Clowes
New School Ninjas
1 1 1
= Ian Goldsmith
Cashbases Newhaven
1 1 1
= Katie
Barns Green
1 1 1
= Mim Christian
Barcombe Ladies
1 1 1
= Alice
Tip & Mix
1 1 1
= Jen PM
Uckfield RFC Mixed
1 1 1
= Scott
Robertsbridge Mixed
1 1 1
= Jaz
1 1 1
= Diane
United Friends
1 1 1
= Carly
Catsfield Mixed
1 1 1

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