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Most scores of 50 or more runs at The Recreation Field, Pett

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Scores of 50+
1 Nathan
Pett Mixed
10 7 3
2 Rachel
Icklesham Ladies
6 6 2
= Lisa
Pett Ladies
4 4 2
= Tristan
Icklesham Mixed
12 9 2
= Ryan
Pett Mixed
7 7 2
6 Louisa
Icklesham Ladies
3 3 1
= Adrian
1 1 1
= Jonathan
Pett Mixed
5 3 1
= Paul
Catsfield Mixed
1 1 1
= Del
Icklesham Mixed
2 2 1
= Jake
Icklesham Mixed
6 6 1
= Erin
Pett Ladies
4 3 1
= Nicky
Pett Ladies
4 3 1
= Will T
Icklesham Mixed
3 3 1
= Janet
Pett Mixed
4 4 1
= Gemma
Pett Ladies
1 1 1
= Ben
Civil Service
1 1 1
= Donna
Civil Service
1 1 1
= Carolyn
1 1 1
= Sandra
Icklesham Ladies
1 1 1
= Owen
Pett Mixed
7 7 1