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Most times taking 5 or more wickets in an innings at Fords Green, Nutley

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings 5+ wickets
1 Amanda Scott
Fletching Ladies
8 7 2
= Ashleigh
Nutley Mixed
18 17 2
= Carol Browne
Nutley Ladies
21 18 2
= Lucy Smith
Nutley Ladies and Nutley Mixed
59 53 2
5 Tracy Allen
Maresfield Mixed
3 2 1
= Ashleigh Hobbs
Nutley Ladies
31 30 1
= Amy
East Grinstead Ladies
4 4 1
= Sue Targett
SCSA West Division
1 1 1
= Emma Allen
United Friends
1 1 1
= Jenny Ridley
Nutley Ladies
18 15 1
= Amy Dix
Newick Ladies
10 9 1
= Fiona Bishop
Newick Ladies
9 9 1
= Sue Cable
United Friends
1 1 1
= Kate Rhan
Nutley Ladies
4 4 1
= Carol Brown
Nutley Mixed
4 2 1