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Playing conditions for indoor stoolball at Uckfield

The suggested playing conditions for indoor stoolball do not apply.

The rules of stoolball apply subject to the following adjustments:

1. Teams

  1. 1.1 Teams shall be composed of eight players.
  2. 1.2 There shall be a maximum of four men per team.
  3. 1.3 A match shall be of one innings of eight overs per team.
  4. 1.4 Players may play for more than one team.

3. Equipment and the field of play

  1. 3.1 Bowling is always to one wicket (see playing condition 7.1) and this means that the striking batter's wicket shall be placed as near to one wall as possible, leaving just enough room for a wicket-keeper to stand comfortably.
  2. 3.2 Wickets shall be weighted (for example, using small sandbags) to prevent them from falling over and causing injuries.
  3. 3.3 The bowling crease shall be marked using strips of sticky tape.
  4. 3.4 The ball shall be a coloured plastic stoolball or any ball suitable for the surroundings, such as an Incrediball (a padded rounders ball) or a tennis ball.

Guidance for umpires on playing condition 3

Ordinary wickets and measurements are used. The distance between the wickets looks rather long when indoors but it is important to keep to the correct measurements.

5. Method of scoring

  1. 5.1 If the ball hits either side wall or the back wall behind the wicket-keeper without hitting the far wall, one run per wall plus two runs for each run completed by the batters shall be scored.
  2. 5.2 If the ball hits the far wall in front of the striking batter after first touching the ground, six runs shall be scored. If the ball hits other walls before the far wall, each wall shall score one extra run in addition to the six runs. Runs completed by the batters, or any wall hit after the far wall, shall not be counted.
  3. 5.3 If the ball hits the far wall in front of the striking batter without first touching the ground, four runs shall be scored. If the ball hits other walls before the far wall, each wall shall score one extra run in addition to the four runs. Runs completed by the batters, or any wall hit after the far wall, shall not be counted.
  4. 5.4 If the ball does not hit a wall, two runs for each run completed by the batters shall be scored.
  5. 5.5 If the ball hits the same wall multiple times only the first time shall be scored, except in the case of overthrows.
  6. 5.6 An overthrow hitting any wall scores one run for each wall hit after the overthrow, plus the score from walls hit before the overthrow, plus two runs for each run completed by the batters.
    1. 5.6.1 If the ball hits the far wall before the overthrow takes place, playing condition 5.6 does not apply.
    2. 5.6.2 If the ball hits the same wall multiple times after the overthrow, only the first time shall be scored.
    3. 5.6.3 Only one run may be scored from each wall after the first overthrow, even in the event of further overthrows.
  7. 5.7 If the ball hits the ceiling, any beam, net or other equipment obstructing the ceiling, or the large yellow pipes on either side of the hall, no extra run shall be scored. If the ball hits any other such equipment or person obstructing any wall, except an umpire, the striking or non-striking batter, or a member of the fielding team, the score shall be the same as if the ball had hit the wall.
  8. 5.8 If a batter is given “out" a penalty of -5 runs shall be awarded to the team and no other runs shall be scored, except:
    1. 5.8.1 If a batter is “run-out" the score shall be two runs for each run completed by the batters, plus the score from hitting any walls at the moment the “run-out” took place. The uncompleted run shall not be scored. In addition, a penalty of -5 runs shall be awarded to the team.
  9. 5.9 If a member of the fielding team stops the ball before it reaches a wall, but part of their body touches the wall while in contact with the ball, the score shall be the same as if the ball had hit the wall.

6. Batter's innings

  1. 6.1 Each batter shall bat for two overs, and then retire.
  2. 6.2 If a batter is given “out” a penalty is awarded to the team (see playing condition 5.8), and the batter shall continue their innings.
  3. 6.3 A male and a female batter shall bat together unless there are no more players of the same sex to bat, then the remaining batters may continue the innings.
  4. 6.4 The striking batter must be different to the batter who faced the previous ball:
    1. 6.4.1 at the start of an over
    2. 6.4.2 after the ball hits the far wall
    3. 6.4.3 after a batter is given “out”

7. Bowling and the over

  1. 7.1 Bowlers bowl to the same wicket all the time.
  2. 7.2 At least 6 players must bowl in each innings.
  3. 7.3 A male or female shall bowl alternate overs, unless a team does not have any players of that sex.

8. No-ball

  1. 8.1 When a “no ball” is delivered two runs shall be added to the score and recorded as “no balls”.
  2. 8.2 If a batter hits a “no ball” any resulting runs, including runs scored by hitting any wall, shall be credited to their score. Any other runs completed as a result of the “no ball” shall be recorded as “no balls”.
  3. 8.3 No extra delivery shall be bowled.

9. Wide

  1. 9.1 When a “wide” is delivered two runs shall be added to the score and recorded as “wides”.
  2. 9.2 The score for any runs completed or for runs scored by hitting any wall shall be recorded as “wides”.
  3. 9.3 No extra delivery shall be bowled.

11. Dead ball

  1. 11.1 If a ball is trapped (for example, in netting or the gallery), and the ball is not already deemed “dead” (see playing condition 11.3), two runs shall be scored and the umpire shall call and signal “dead ball” to prevent more runs being scored.
  2. 11.2 If a ball is hit into the gallery and bounces back into the hall, it shall be considered “live” and playing condition 11.1 shall not apply. The gallery is considered part of the side wall in this case and one run shall be scored.
  3. 11.3 After the ball hits the far wall it shall be deemed to be “dead”, except:
    1. 11.3.1 if the ball is caught (see playing condition 12.3)
    2. 11.3.2 if the wall is hit as the result of an overthrow

12. The batter is out

  1. 12.1 The striking batter shall be out “caught” if, having hit the ball, it is caught by a fielder, provided the ball has not touched the ground.
  2. 12.2 The ball remains “live” and may be caught after hitting any wall, including the far wall, the ceiling or any pipe, beam, net or other equipment attached to the ceiling or any wall.
  3. 12.3 A batter may not be given “out” by any method other than “caught” after the ball has hit the far wall.