Tweet your matches automatically
You can use our ‘Subscribe to new or updated matches’ feature and a free service like IFTTT, Zapier or Microsoft Power Automate to tweet about your matches automatically.
Tweet matches as you add or update them, using IFTTT
Create or sign in to your IFTTT account and follow the following steps:
- Go to the settings page for your account and add your Twitter account, if you haven’t already done so.
- Select ‘Create applet’. You can find this on the menu for your account at the top-right.
- IFTTT says ‘if this then that’. Click on ‘this’ and pick the ‘RSS Feed’ service and then ‘New feed item’.
- On your club, team or competition page look for the ‘New and updated matches – subscribe with RSS’ link below the list of matches. Right-click it and copy the link address.
- Where IFTTT asks for the Feed URL, paste the link and add ‘&format=tweet’ on the end.
- Click ‘Create trigger’.
- IFTTT says ‘if this then that’ again. This time click on ‘that’ and pick the ‘Twitter’ service and then ‘Post a tweet’.
- The default format of ‘EntryTitle EntryUrl’ is fine, but you can change it if you want to. Click ‘Create action’ then ‘Finish’, and you’re done!

Tweet your matches on match day, using IFTTT
You can also tweet ‘We’re off to [tournament name]!’ at 8am on the day of the tournament, ‘It’s practice night – come and join us!’ at 4pm on practice days, or ‘It’s match night! [match name]’ at 4pm on match days using the same method.
Following the steps above, create another applet and, in step 5, instead of adding ‘&format=tweet’ add ‘&format=tweet&today=true’. We’ll do the rest.