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Most catches at Warren Ground (cricket field), East Preston

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Catches
1 Wenda Williamson
East Preston
105 68
2 Charlotte Adfield
East Preston
70 53
3 Claire Hawkins
East Preston
107 44
4 Karen Lock
East Preston
80 36
5 Lucy Uncles
East Preston
50 35
6 Katie Neil-Smith
East Preston
84 26
7 Kathi Lock
East Preston
56 23
8 Ginette Hobbs
East Preston
45 22
9 Joanne Green
East Preston
99 18
10 Becky Green
East Preston
72 16
= Rachel Chenery
East Preston
88 16
12 Lauren Wooldridge
East Preston
55 14
13 Sally Booker
Broadbridge Heath
8 13
= Tracey McCrae
East Preston
20 13
15 Ginny Ifould
Aldingbourne Ladies
12 11
= Jo Musk
East Preston
22 11
= Mary Jeavons
East Preston
40 11
= Lauren Bateman
East Preston
87 11
19 Jessica Collier
6 9
= Nicky Ifould
Aldingbourne Ladies
10 9
= Hannah Tomlinson
16 9
22 Jess Collier
Aldingbourne Ladies
6 8
= Lauren Owens
East Preston
8 8
= Bernie Hurst
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
9 8
= Pat Mann
11 8
= Chris Doyle
Aldingbourne Ladies
11 8
= Debbie Hobbs
East Preston
65 8
28 Jessica Stanley
5 7
= Shirley Cross
8 7
= Vanessa Challen
15 7
31 Becky Jupp
6 6
= Jo Foxhall
East Preston
11 6
33 Becki Ives
Steyning and District
3 5
= Sophie Mundy
4 5
= Hollie Massie
4 5
= Wendy Anderson
Middleton Ladies
5 5
= Becky Foot
Middleton Ladies
8 5
= Lisa Jaycocks-Winslow
8 5
= Steph Green
East Preston
14 5
= Sarah Aguirre
East Preston
18 5
41 Georgie Heberlein
2 4
= Lindsey Goddard
3 4
= Laura Bull
East Preston
3 4
= Lissie Hurst
Worthing and Ferring Ladies
3 4
= Leanne Lamb
Broadbridge Heath
5 4
= Sue Boxall
6 4
= Clare McKnight
Aldingbourne Ladies
7 4
= Jessica Challen
8 4
= Georgie Moon
9 4
= Tina Martin
Aldingbourne Ladies
9 4

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