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Most times taking 5 or more wickets in an innings at Southwater Cricket Club, Southwater

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings 5+ wickets
1 Paula Baker
Broadbridge Heath
4 4 2
= Jessica Challen
4 4 2
= Claire Hawkins
East Preston
3 3 2
4 Yvonne Walker
2 2 1
= S Atkin
2 2 1
= Tina Martin
Aldingbourne Ladies
3 3 1
= Danielle Flower
Steyning and District
2 2 1
= Clare Lincoln
25 20 1
= A Garner
Barns Green
2 2 1
= Rachel Chenery
East Preston
3 3 1
= Cat Jones
Barns Green
1 1 1
= Y Pratt
4 4 1
= T Blanchard
Barns Green
2 1 1
= Bernie Baker
3 2 1
= L Hornby
1 1 1