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Most scores of 50 or more runs at Barcombe recreation ground, Barcombe

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Scores of 50+
1 Susannah Maynard
Barcombe Ladies
29 25 8
= Janet Hughes
Barcombe Ladies
33 28 8
3 Jen Lay
Barcombe Ladies
45 32 6
4 Angharad Hills
Barcombe Ladies
50 36 4
= Carla Leach
6 6 4
6 Annie Lyons
Barcombe Ladies
8 8 3
7 J Hughes
Barcombe Ladies
3 3 2
= Nic Keysell
Barcombe Ladies
14 13 2
= Holly Bennett
5 4 2
= Helen Fines
Laughton Ladies
4 4 2
= Sara Hepple
Barcombe Ladies
22 20 2
= L Francis
Buxted Park
5 5 2
13 Alannah Dalby
Plumpton and Plumpton Ladies
6 6 1
= Nicky Tuppen
1 1 1
= N Keysll
Barcombe Ladies
1 1 1
= Emma Waterman
6 5 1
= Sally Wiles
2 2 1
= Holly Bennet
1 1 1
= C Belton
Buxted Park
3 3 1
= Becki Denslow
Adastra Ladies
2 2 1
= Rhiannon Turner-Noakes
4 4 1
= Emma Symes
Plumpton and Plumpton Ladies
7 7 1
= Janet
Barcombe Ladies
1 1 1
= Charlotte Markham
Barcombe Ladies
15 9 1
= Helen Cottington
1 1 1
= Nicky Tuppen
Ringmer Ladies
2 2 1
= S Standing
Buxted Park
5 5 1
= Heidi Sison
Ringmer Ladies
5 5 1
= A Ridley
Barcombe Ladies
4 2 1
= Louise Carr
Adastra Ladies
5 5 1