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Most wickets at Adastra Park, Hassocks

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
51 Nicky Tuppen
Ringmer Ladies
2 2 2
= Claire Kervill
Adastra Ladies
2 2 2
= Corinne Fellows
Laughton Ladies
3 2 2
= Rubi Batton
Barcombe Ladies
4 2 2
= Holly Holder
4 2 2
= Abigail Turner
Ringmer Ladies
5 2 2
= Maddy Stewart-Parsons
Adastra Ladies
12 2 2
= Sara Page
Laughton Ladies
3 3 2
= Sharon Wright
3 3 2
= Helen Herbert
3 3 2
= Chris Belton
Buxted Park
5 4 2
= Anna Ludnow
Adastra Ladies
18 5 2
63 A Coleman
Buxted Park
1 1 1
= Sue Cable
1 1 1
= Nikki
Glynde Butterflies
1 1 1
= R Funnall
Buxted Park
1 1 1
= Jane Rook
1 1 1
= Andrea
1 1 1
= J Tilley
Buxted Park
1 1 1
= Kirsty Gillman
Laughton Ladies
2 1 1
= Emily Fairhall
2 1 1
= Susie Harrison
5 1 1
= Sam Page
Glynde Butterflies
2 2 1
= Marina Dudman
3 2 1
= Chloe Mans
Adastra Ladies
3 2 1
= K Lingard
Buxted Park
3 3 1
= Lynda Buttifant
Laughton Ladies
3 3 1
= Marilyn Grindley
Laughton Ladies
4 3 1

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