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Most wickets in the Lewes Friendlies

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
51 Dan Brooks
Lewes Arms
7 1 1
= Chene
Uckfield RFC Mixed
2 2 1
= Stewart Povey-Meier
Uckfield RFC Mixed
2 2 1
= Jonny Walker
Lewes Arms
2 2 1
= Mary Kennedy
Lewes Arms
2 2 1
= Amanda Deadman
Lewes Arms
3 2 1
= Ian Goldsmith
Lewes Arms
4 2 1
= Kelly Lucas
Lewes Arms
3 3 1
= Ali Collings
Lewes Arms
4 3 1
= Barry Haffenden
Lewes Arms
4 3 1
= Rachel Clark
Lewes Arms
4 4 1
= Dave Tory
Lewes Arms
5 4 1

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