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Most wickets for Nutley Stoolball Club

The statistics below are based on scorecards added to this website. If you know someone who's played better, add the scorecard – see How to add match results.

# Player Teams Matches Innings Wickets
1 Lucy Smith
Nutley Ladies and Nutley Mixed
120 112 193
2 Heather Ridley
Nutley Ladies
51 45 79
3 Ashleigh Hobbs
Nutley Ladies
58 57 74
4 Carol Browne
Nutley Ladies
40 34 66
5 Ashleigh
Nutley Mixed
34 29 53
6 Ashleigh Wells
Nutley Ladies
53 40 51
7 Michele Hardstone
Nutley Ladies
48 42 45
8 Andrew Elms
Nutley Mixed
42 37 41
9 Jenny Ridley
Nutley Ladies
35 32 31
10 Jo Hobbs
Nutley Ladies
100 34 29
11 Danni Newitt
Nutley Ladies
34 25 27
12 Brett Butler
Nutley Mixed
49 39 23
13 Daryl
Nutley Mixed
23 18 19
14 Carol Brown
Nutley Mixed
8 6 18
15 Ashleigh Hartle
Nutley Ladies
6 6 13
16 Amanda Scott
Nutley Ladies
11 11 12
17 Dale Powis
Nutley Mixed
5 5 11
18 Ashleigh Hobbs
Nutley Mixed
5 5 10
= Dj
Nutley Mixed
14 10 10
= Hayley Singuard
Nutley Ladies
38 18 10
21 Alex S
Nutley Mixed
2 2 7
= Kate Rhan
Nutley Ladies
8 8 7
= Dale
Nutley Mixed
24 9 7
= Kate Rahn
Nutley Ladies
31 15 7
25 Heather
Nutley Mixed
4 3 6
= Dan Hartle
Nutley Mixed
5 4 6
= Donna Weller
Nutley Ladies
49 6 6
= Danni Newitt
Nutley Mixed
7 7 6
= Jordan
Nutley Mixed
18 8 6
= Jo
Nutley Mixed
26 9 6
31 No 2
Nutley Mixed
1 1 5
= Alex
Nutley Mixed
7 7 5
= Donna
Nutley Mixed
14 9 5
= Michelle
Nutley Ladies
13 11 5
35 Hayley Singyard
Nutley Ladies
1 1 4
= Lucy
Nutley Ladies
3 3 4
= Ashley Wells
Nutley Ladies
6 3 4
= Donna Weller
Nutley Mixed
7 3 4
= Kelsey
Nutley Mixed
5 4 4
= Dan
Nutley Mixed
9 4 4
= Ashleigh
Nutley Ladies
11 6 4
= Brett
Nutley Mixed
11 8 4
43 Ashleigh Hartle
Nutley Mixed
1 1 3
= Ashley
Nutley Ladies
3 1 3
= Chelsie Nelson
Nutley Ladies
10 2 3
= Kate
Nutley Ladies
11 2 3
= Sharon
Nutley Ladies
10 4 3
= Josie Mitchell
Nutley Ladies
13 4 3
= Amanda Scott
Nutley Mixed
5 5 3
= Ben
Nutley Mixed
14 6 3

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